JET Enter – Test launch success for our new front-of-house scanner app

As SpaceX launches a Tesla sports car into space, we here at Jonas Event Technology are close to launching our next cutting edge product… admittedly it’s not going to make the global news, but it’s definitely more useful to an event organiser than a car orbiting Mars!
After a couple of months in development, this week saw the first live test of JET Enter, our new front-of-house door entry scanner app used for onsite registration. So what does this mean for organisers?
One small step for us…
Real-time attendance
The main purpose of the app was to offer real-time attendee data. Although we offer real-time reporting on one day events where all badges/passes/tickets are collected on-site, a number of our clients who run multiple day trade shows or send out pre-printed badges or PDF e-tickets wanted a similar solution for their events. JET Enter will now be able to show accurate attendee numbers instantly – giving the organiser an insight into the trends and patterns of their visitors.
JET Enter has been built with JET Reporting in mind, so not only does it include up-to-the-minute reports on how many people have attended, but also provides the details of who has visited and when they arrived.
This means our experienced on-site management team get to spend more of their time ensuring that visitors and exhibitors are getting the best possible service, with the need to run attendance reports a thing of the past.
The next mission…
Of course, this is just the start and there are already future plans in place, including:
Entry management
A priority for many shows is making sure that the correct visitors are attending. With the JET Enter entry management system specific visitors could be highlighted should they try to enter, whilst double scanning a barcode could also show up a warning.
This works well for seminars, making sure that only those that have registered for that seminar gain entry. For an organiser who wants to keep a check on which seminar theatres are performing best, it can also provide an insight into the traffic flow of visitors to the seminar rooms themselves. Seminars are only one possibility, and making sure that the right people get access to the right area, whether that is the VIP zone, a lunch or something else, will be no problem with JET Enter.
Self-service for smaller events
Jonas Event Technology are keen to offer a number of our services to the self-serve market, and this is one area that the client could run by themselves. Even with a limited budget, there is no reason that a laptop, a printer, and an app couldn’t see the organiser run successful event registration for their show.
With a successful test, a couple of tweaks here and there (even Elon Musk lost one of the boosters from his Falcon Heavy rocket), the JET Enter door scanning app will be available to organisers in the very near future.