Conference Badging
If you’re running a conference (or any kind of event) where you need your attendees badged, you’re going to need a conference badging solution you can trust.
We can help.

Conference Badging
If you’re running a conference (or any kind of event) where you need your attendees badged, you’re going to need a conference badging solution you can trust.
We can help.
A Guide to Conference Badging
What are your conference badging options?
There are a number of possibilities in terms of conference badging, you could have them pre-printed and available for collection, you could have them emailed out as PDF’s to bring along, or you could print the conference badge in a few seconds on the day.
I need a conference badge. How do I print them?
Depending on the size of your conference, you may decide that pre-printed badges or PDFs may be the way to go, however, both of these have a consideration to bear in mind – particularly if you’re expecting hundreds (or even thousands) of attendees.
Pre-printed name badges don’t allow for any changes or additions… so should someone have a name spelt wrong or someone is attending in their place, the only option is to normally write their details on a new badge.
An issue with PDFs could be that your attendees just don’t bring their PDF badge along to your conference.
How do you get around this? You have a badge printer on-site to print off new or updated name badges. This would be fine for smaller events, but if you are putting on a large conference, a better solution is to use a complete conference badging solution.

Do you need a conference registration solution?
If you’re running a conference of near 1,000 visitors or more (or any type of event), you’ll probably like a bit of assistance so you can focus on organising and marketing your event. A company like Jonas Event Technology will then take away the stress of conference registration and creating your conference badges.
With a full solution, managing your attendee details is a lot easier and you have plenty of flexibility on what you can include on your conference badges.
What information can be put on a conference badge?
Conference badges can be designed to include the event logo and any sponsor logo in addition to their name and any other required information (such as company name and job title). The badge can also be personalised to include any special codes for specific event packages or show the seminar codes the visitor will be attending of the event schedule.
Our Top Tip: Print your conference badges on-site
If you are running a larger conference, the registration process can be quite complicated. Changes take place everywhere (and easily so if using an event registration form from ourselves) – so having a full-service registration system means our team can manage the printing of a badge on-site.
What type of conference badges can be printed on-site?
There are plenty of options including single-sided badges, double-sided badges and plastic cards (should additional security and potentially a photo badge be required).
We would recommend using the most eco-friendly material for badges available, and we work with suppliers who are constantly researching the best materials, as well as printing badges using thermal transfer rather than ink.
What sort of accessories do we need for conference badging?
Badges can be attached to lanyards (lanyards can be supplied as plain or with a design) or badges can be clipped to clothing.

Anything else to consider?
A huge benefit to personalised name badges is the potential for easy lead retrieval. Should your events have an exhibition area, exhibitors will be able to scan the barcode or QR codes on the badge to collect contact details. This provides your exhibitors and sponsors with a way to realise their return on investment by helping them to make the most of their time at your events.
So what does Jonas Event Technology offer?
We offer a conference registration system to event organisers around the world, whether you are in London, England or Las Vegas, USA.
Need help picking the right conference badging solution for your event?