JET Gets in the Myzone

Healthy body, healthy mind.
Here at JET we believe there is a lot of truth in that and our culture encourages physical activity for all of our team. In order to achieve this, we have invested in a Myzone belt for every member of our team. The Myzone MZ-3 is an activity tracker that helps you to track your workouts, stay motivated and set goals to get the maximum result from the effort put in.
What is Myzone?
Well, here’s what Myzone had to say…
“The purpose of Myzone is to use technology to help people feel good about exercise.
Myzone is an innovative wearable heart rate based system that uses wireless and cloud technology to accurately and conveniently monitor physical activity. Myzone delivers a fully connected solution for fitness club operators and is respected as the fitness industry’s wearable of choice. It is successful due to its accuracy at 99.4%. This is the tool for anyone who wants an accurate, gamified and motivating wearable. Myzone monitors heart rate, calories and time exercising that convert into Myzone Effort Points (MEPs), with a focus on rewarding effort rather than fitness.”
The best thing about Myzone is that it offers fair competition across the team. Myzone doesn’t measure speed, cadence, or weight lifted, it measures the effort put in. This levels the playing field so that the effort from people starting their fitness journey can be comparable with the effort exerted by those who have a higher level of fitness to start with. Everyone can control the effort they exert, and it is the control of that factor that makes Myzone so fun and engaging.
These Myzone belts can be used for any physical activity and our team have been using it during their normal exercise routines, however, as a company, and member of Howbery Business Park, there are also a number of activities available to all. These include our weekly lunchtime running club, the option to canoe in the Thames in the summer (and swim if you’re feeling brave!), and opportunities to play football, tennis and volleyball in the grounds. It’s not just activities at Howbery Park our team have taken up, we’ve also seen some of our team go rock climbing together in Reading.
Getting involved
In order to drive use and participation, we now also have fortnightly bootcamps provided by a personal trainer from Lifestyles Gym in which the team are put through their paces and gain plenty of MEPs (getting everyone on their way to the monthly recommended 1300 MEPs!).
Myzone Individual Achievements
We’ve seen some great participation from the team, both with involvement in the fortnightly bootcamps and with their own personal activities which has seen a number of achievements being made. Here are a few examples from our team.
Blenheim Palace 10k
Matt wore his Myzone belt as he completed the Blenheim Palace 10k in just under 46 minutes!
Watford Half Marathon
Oliver wore his Myzone belt as he completed the Watford Half in 1 hour 58 minutes!
Climbing Mount Toubkal
Graham wore his Myzone belt as he climbed Mount Toubkal in Morocco!
The Myzone belts have been a great initiiative that has really helped increase phyisical activity participation across the team. This could be our busiest ever year at JET, so getting fit and ready for it can’t hurt!