Jay – On-Site Manager

Team Spotlight

Jay – On-Site Manager

Team Spotlight

Jay has been part of #TeamJET since 2022, working as an on-site manager. Since then, he has played an important role in ensuring attendees enter an event smoothly using our hassle-free event registration solutions.

When did you join JET?

September 2022.

Where are you based?

East London, but originally from South Wales.

What’s your career history?

Prior to working for JET, I worked in promotional events management for a number of different brands, which I had been doing for over 10 years. I started out as a brand ambassador for some premium brands, moving into team leading and eventually into events management, working at several different expos and conferences around the UK, as well as promotional road shows and high-profile events.

What have been your impressions of the events industry?

The idea of being stuck in an office 5 days a week never appealed to me. I like variety, and the events industry certainly provides that! Every event is different, with different products, locations and demographics. It’s exciting and rewarding, which is why I have remained in this industry for over 15 years.

If you were going to run an event, what would it be?

Definitely a fitness event. There are so many elements to it and the options are endless, for example, athletic competition, food sampling, workshops, fitness classes, Q&As, seminars, meet and greets, new products etc…

The song you’d sing at karaoke?

I can’t really sing but I’d butcher Comfortably Numb by Pink Floyd. 🙈

Worst job you’ve had (hopefully not this one 😉)?

Whilst I learned valuable lessons from each and every job I’ve had, I’d probably put door-to-door sales towards the bottom… 👎🏽

Favourite Film?

Good Will Hunting

Favourite Food?

Thai or Indian, I usually swing between these two.

Favourite Drink?

Old Fashioned 🥃

Favourite Holiday/Place to go on holiday?

South East Asia has always had a special place in my heart, I’ve been several times. New Zealand for hiking.

If you could travel anywhere in the world tomorrow, where would you go?

Galápagos Islands. One-way ticket, please.

What do you enjoy doing in your spare time?

I have a million hobbies and not nearly enough time. Practising guitar, working out, playing badminton, cross stitching, listening to audiobooks, gaming, roller skating, yoga, I can keep going… 😅

What one thing could you never give up?

Gym. It’s my happy place and keeps me sane. 🤪

Your biggest achievement?

Finding a job that allows me to travel the world. 🌍

Tell us something we don’t know about you.

I can complete a Rubik’s Cube in under 3 minutes!


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