Handheld Scanner

Handheld Scanner

Your leads are stored in the memory of the scanner until downloaded, usually at the visitor registration area at the end of the show.

Data is then uploaded and immediately available online.

Key Features include:

  • Simple, light & cordless
    Easy to use, lightweight and credit-card-sized
  • Highly Reliable
    Fast scanning at the touch of a button.
  • Enhance your Data
    Personalise leads with a bar-coded menu sheet – For instance ‘send brochure’, ‘needs to follow up visit’, ‘interested in product A’, etc.


  • What is an online account?
    Your online account allows you to set up qualifiers and access lead data from all scanners linked to your company. You will receive login details to your online account via email from leadcapture@eventdata.uk after ordering an app or handheld scanner.
  • Can I order another scanner?
    Yes! If you’d like to order another scanner, you can do so from your exhibitor dashboard.
  • What are qualifying questions?
    Qualifying questions, or qualifiers, are questions used to assess a prospect’s interest and evaluate the likelihood of them becoming an actual lead.
  • How do I view/export my leads?
    The scanners will be available for pick up on the day of build-up or the day of the event at a designated location. Just ask the registration staff onsite to direct you to the collection point. Make sure to pick yours up before the event starts and don’t forget to drop it off when you’re done!
  • How do I get my scanner?
    The scanners will be available for pick up on the day of the event at a designated location. Make sure to pick yours up before the event starts and don’t forget to drop it off when you’re done!
  • What is a barcode sheet?
    Since your device is handheld, you will need to click on the option to ‘Print Barcodes’. This will make it easy to capture responses at the event. Simply scan the visitor’s badge, followed by the relevant qualifying question barcodes.
    P.S. Remember to bring your barcode sheets with you to your event!

Learn how to set up your lead capture service

Watch the video below or view our user guide